On January 12 every year we in India celebrate the National Youth Day. The occasion is the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. Vivekananda’s vast knowledge, open mind towards all religions, and inspiration to the youth are praiseworthy.

Today, the Indian youth face many problems and challenges. The digital world and social media have influenced many, corrupted more and confused most. Religious fundamentalism has waylaid many young men and women to spread hate ideology. They are mostly being used by politicians and religious fanatics as pliant tools to propagate hatred against fellow humans of other religions. This is a growing trend in India.  The energy and capacity of the youth need to be channelized into constructive and creative programs.

The youth should heed the call of Vivekananda to say no to bigotry and fundamentalism that are society’s demons. India is going through a very stressful period when communal forces are trying to overthrow the eternal principles and values enshrined in our Constitution.  The youth need to rise up, speak up and arrest such a trend.

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