11 July – World Population Day 
It is an annual event, observed on July 11 every year. The aim is to make people aware of population issues such as human rights, maternal health care, gender equality, and family planning.
Right to life and right to resources should be the main focus. Fearing increase of population, governments may attempt to reduce the population by killing the babe in the womb. Such criminal acts of murder should never happen.
Every child,  even as a foetus, has right to life. It is the child’ s human right.
Abortion and forced family planning should be considered a criminal offence such as murder.
Instead, earth’s resources should be shared with all so that no one is poor, no one remains in want.
In a hurry to amass riches and to build empires of wealth, a few grab and control earth’s resources. Governments connive with such elements and dish out poverty alleviation programs rather than poverty eradication programs.