P. A. Chacko S. J.

Today women cannot be taken for granted as mere adjuncts to the male world. They are coming forward to assert their human worth, dignity, equal rights and social justice. Justly so! The patriarchal society has to take a back seat.

Fittingly, this year’s theme is:
“For ALL Women and Girls: Rights, Equality, Empowerment.”

It should not be empowering women by the male world. Rather, society needs to create the atmosphere for their voice to be heard. For them to claim their rights in parity with men in the legislature, in the judiciary, in the executive and bureaucracy, in professional jobs, in religious precincts, etc.

It is high time to realise that women are not weaklings or weak links in the the human chain.

Women have fought shoulder to shoulder with male counterparts in freedom and liberation movenents. They have carved out an honourable place in society with their appreciable contributions.

Let our girl children be given space and opportunities to bloom and flourish so that they will be equal contributors to human and social development and equal partners in building homes and nations.

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