P. A. Chacko

“On this International Day of Older Persons, let’s commit to strengthen care and support systems that honour the dignity of older persons and caregivers.”
(UN Secretary-General António Guterres)

The theme for 2024 is:
Ageing with Dignity: The Importance of Strengthening Care and Support Systems for Older Persons Worldwide

By 2030, older persons are projected to outnumber youth globally. Is this not food for thought?

As they reach the evening of life, can they say gladly what Frank Lloyd wrote:
“The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.”( Frank Lloyd Wright)

Let not older persons wither away in desert air uncared for, unwanted and unremembered!
Let not the evening of life be the lonely span of a blank sky.

Let colours bloom,
Let flowers smile for older persons!

Let an assuring grip strengthen their sagging nerves.

Let not the children, whom they nourished with milk and honey, sweat and blood, love and care, turn a blind eye!

As our elders watch the birds flying in free abandon, let them not have the misfortune of being reminded of their near and dear ones flying like wayward kites in free abandon!

A kind word, a loving look, a silent but caring presence,
These carry a message
These go a long way!

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