Human beings have the intellect to think, to reflect, to understand and to discern. Knowlege feeds our intellect.
Facts, not fiction or superstitions, help us to know how things work, how we need to act or respond.
We seek information. Hence we need to have access to knowledge.

Access to information is a human right as long as it helps society’s betterment.

In India the Right to Information is an Act of legislation. It gives rules and procedures regarding citizens’ right to access information.
A citizen can access information from a concerned public authority under the Act. Within thirty days the information has to be provided.
In matters concerning a petitioner’s life and liberty, the time period is within 48 hours.

The Act stipulates that every public authority needs to computerise relevant records to disseminate public related information and publish such information so that citizens will have access formally.

Any citizen, under the Act, can call for records, be they matters relating to ration distribution or repair of roads in the neighbourhood or programme implementation by the government.

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