Sensevieria trifasciata (Mother -in-law’s tongue, Snake Plant.

It is an air purifier plant. It filters air. It drives away toxins. Keeps Snakes away.
Indoor or outdoor plant. Indirect light best.
Good indoor plant to purify air and to dispel radiation.
Drives away air pollutants and allergy causing pollutants.
Converts Caron dioxide (CO2) into oxygen ar night.
In horticulture therapy, it is valued as one of the agents to boost mental health.
Can lessen impact of airborne allergies through dust.
Its herbal medicinal benefits are reported to be:
Supports standard blood pressure.
Strengthens immune system.
Heals wounds, burns and inflammation.
According to Chinese Feng Shui theory, a plant pot in a classroom facilitates learning.

Plant propagation: Leaf cutting.
Rooting in bottle with water or in soil.

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