P. A. Chacko SJ

Pope Francis sent out a message for World Youth Day to be celebrated on 24  Nov. 2024.

The Pope encourages young people to embrace life’s challenges with hope and perseverance.
Drawing inspiration for prophet Isaiah, The theme of the message is: “Those who hope in the Lord will run and not be weary.”

“Today, we too live in times marked by dramatic situations that generate despair and prevent us from looking to the future with serenity: the tragedy of war, social injustices, inequalities, hunger and the exploitation of human beings and the natural environment. Often the ones who pay the highest price are precisely young people. You sense the uncertainty of the future and are not sure about where your dreams will lead. In this way, you can be tempted to live without hope, as prisoners of boredom, depression and even be drawn to risk-taking and destructive behaviours (cf. Spes Non Confundit, 12). For this reason, dear young people, I would like the message of hope to come to you, as was the case with Israel in Babylon…Our life is a pilgrimage, a journey that pushes us beyond ourselves, a journey in search of happiness.”

Salient Points:
* See life as a pilgrimage. It is a journey of hope.
* Hope in the Lord, do not tire.
* Persevere in times of difficulties.
*Hope is an active force that urges us to “press forward, for it is a gift received from God Himself.”
* Solution to tiredness is in becoming pilgrims of hope.
* In moments of tiredness, rest like Jesus, rest in Jesus.
* Be careful about stagnation. Do not stand still. Have desire to move.
* Apathy may lead to paralysis.
“I prefer the tiredness of those who are moving forward, not the ennui of those who stand still.”
* Young people’s journey is like the journey of Israel in the desert.
* God is with you in times of distress and difficulties. He nourishes us as with manna in the desert.
*Eucharist is the Highway to Heaven. Rediscover the “profound gift of the Eucharist.”
* “Do not set out as mere tourists, but as true pilgrims,” to experience God’s love and mercy.
* Be brave.
*Following the example of Mary,  the young can “persevere in their journey as pilgrims of hope and love.”
* The journey towards the Jubilee is a spiritual one.
*”This is my invitation. Walk in hope.”

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