P.A.Chacko S.J.

ECO PROGRAM is intended to promote appreciation and love for our environment.

Arrupe Tribal Cultural Centre envisioned the program and it is launched in collaboration with Johar Human Resource Centre, Dumka in
Jharkhand, eastern India.

Our environment is our co-traveller. The more we appreciate its companionship, the more we enjoy our journey. The more we help to protect it from harm and pollution, the safer the space for all.

We are launching this pilot program in 20 Schools in Santal Parganas in Jharkhand. Senior students are guided to get involved in loving our Mother Earth, in enjoying the wonder of creation and in understanding our need to travel together with all that is in our environment as we all aim at reaching the destination.

God’s creation is groaning.
“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” Romans 8.23
We need to hear its groans and wails and reach out in love, in friendship, and in communion.

“Let us be protectors of God’s creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment” Pope Francis.

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