The Word Day for International Justice reminds one and all about the urgent need for a continuous and coordinated struggle for international accountability to arrest the sinister forces of criminal injustices perpetrated against humanity.

We need to reflect on how far the world bodies like the UN and particularly the International Court of Justice, have negotiated along the lines of peace-building and creating an atmosphere to eliminate war carmines by rouge leaders of nations.

Genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression, mass killings, use of chemical and nuclear weapons to destroy other nations or communities etc. are on the increase.

How does it touch the conscience of humanity to see more than 40,000 innocent Palestinians, including more than half them women and children, killed by Israeli aggression and its war crimes? How do we keep silent on half a million people forcibly thrown out on the road to nowhere by Israeli aggression? The aggressor’s argument is: ‘self defence’! How atrocious and malicious an argument!

Should not our conscience shudder when we learn that the Russian invasion of Ukraine since 2022 has perpetrated dastardly crimes by bombing densely populated civilian areas, destroying hospitals, medical facilities, energy grid, cultural heritage, public institutions, etc. and making the civilians wander on the road to nowhere?

In African and Asian countries too there are many instances of crimes against humanity. Will the villains be brought to book?
The International Court of Justice in the Netherlands is meant to arrest the tendencies of rogue leaders who are perpetrators of such crimes. Yet, when it comes to executing its decisions, it does not have teeth. Criminal leaders or criminal nations pooh-pooh such things and engage in their own activities. Even the UN world body has proved to be a Resolution-producing machine without any power of implementation.

Men and women of conscience should voice their protest and even force the world bodies to act in favour of a crime-free world.

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