“Human life is not a problem. It is a gift. ” Pope Francis

Statisticians are busy pigeonholing people into numbers. Politicians are worried that an increasing population is a threat to humanity. Economists are calculating the shrinking size of the economic cake. Capitalists are plotting to abort the growing population. Governments are driven by population phobia and an anxiety that makes them wonder how to feed all the people.

A few humanists keep on harping that resource allocation and utilization for the benefit of all should be priorities for any government, for any advocates of development.

In today’s world of ‘man eat man’, no one wants to speak of equitable distribution of earth’s resources. No wonder, poverty is on the increase, dumping millions below the so-called Below Poverty Line(BPL). The wealthiest few rule the world. Theirs are power and politics, They control statisticians and economists. They scheme; they plot; they execute!

Here is a mad man who wants to fumigate humanity in Hitler style : “Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing.” (David R. Brower). This so- called American Environmentalist had his passion for promoting environment at the cost of human existence. Such theories of ‘cultural cannibalism’ is propounded by people who are antihuman.

In our ‘muzzle man society’, cultural cannibalism is pushed to the centre stage. Its advocates will speak of population reduction by all means, even by killing innocents.

Whereas, theories of equitable distribution are anathema to them. “Equitable distribution of earth’s resources does not mean equal distribution. Rather, it is distribution or allocation of resources such as earth’s produces, wealth, healthcare, education and “opportunities across all segments of society, irrespective of gender, race, social status, or any other differentiating factor. This is not to be confused with equal distribution, which means everyone gets the same amount. Instead, it’s about fairness, ensuring everyone can access the resources they need to thrive.” (Nuri Shakoor, Global Security Analyst)

The wise words of Mahatma Gandhi need to be looked into seriously: “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”

The greedy look for the bigger share of the cake. No wonder, such people speak of population reduction so that a few can live in the lap of luxury.

Pope Francis tells the world: “Human life is not a problem. It is a gift…The problem of our world is not the children that are born — it is selfishness, consumerism, and individualism, which make people full, lonely, and unhappy.” ( to the audience gathered in the Auditorium della Conciliazione in Rome).

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