The HUL celebration at Bhoghnadih in Santal Pargana, Jharkhand, is an annual event. Crowds gather from many places to celebrate.

What celebration? It is a reminder that in 1855 the local tribals undertook an uprising against the British-sponsored landlordism and exploitation by money lenders.

Four brothers Sido, Kanhu, Chand and Bhairav, spearheaded the uprising (HUL). Their two sisters Phulo and Jhano and many other tribal heads also led the movement. A few lakhs joined the rebellion. It was suppressed by the British at the cost of a massacre of 20,OOO plus tribals, mostly Santals.
The Hul leaders became martyrs.
The land got a new name, Santal Pargana. New Tenancy laws were introduced to protect tribal land and holdings and tribal customary rules were given legal status.

Have things become better?

Today you may see a few new buildings like the Eklavya School, Nurse’s Hostel, newly built college building, and the Martyrs’ memorial.

But what about the TTC and the High School and students’ Hostel? The decade old TTC never started functioning. The High School and students’ Hostel have become refuge for buffaloes and cows. What a development!

This year, at Bhognadih and nearby villages wells are dry. No water supply by local administration is seen.
Is this the phase of development?

From many places Padyatris ( pedestrian pilgrims) converge on Bhognadh on 30 June. They come, celebrate and go. No one asks why TTC is not functioning, why the High School and TTC students’ hostel have come cowsheds! We hear longdrawn speeches by politicians. The words fall on duck’s back!

In the midst of all this, village people are wondering what type of develeopment is happening!
They feel voiceless. It appears they are waiting for another messiah (Krantiveer) for another Hul (Revolution)!
Will that ever happen? Who knows?

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