The day calls for “raising awareness of the cultural, social, economic and demographic processes affecting elder abuse and neglect.”(UN)

Our elders have been our asset in their able days. We have  enjoyed their concern and care, love and benevolence as we grew up in their shade.

Our elders have seen dark days and bright days. Bringing up a family is not an easy job. Our elders have shouldered the responsibility of helping this world become a merry-go-around.

However, what we witness today or hear reported, is that quite many of our elders are condemned to live in a murky world of loneliness and illness, neglect by children, offensive behaviour by daughters in law, social callousness etc.

Above all, inspite of their suffering and undergoing ill treatment, they are expected by their youngsters to be role models!  Role models in suffering, role models who need to gulp down pain, agony and abuse, so that the youngsters can live in luxury and comfort. What a strange world? Role models in suffering and welcoming abuses?

No wonder, we see many old age homes sprouted with business prospects. They are waiting like deep gorges to suck in old parents abandoned by their children.

True, elders in their old age can tave temperamental moods due blood pressure, high sugar, forgetfulness, lack of hearing or some other old age related illness.

When we grow old, where would we like to be? In a charity home or in an old age home or the street?

Even in church or religious circles there is much to be considered when it comes to respecting or caring for their aged members.

“I have reached an age when, if someone tells me to wear socks, I don’t have to.” Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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