A child is defined as a person below 14 years of age. Between 14 and 18 years one is an adolescent.

A child’s future depends on its growing up in a convenient environment of family security, health and education.
Yet reports say that globally near about 200 milion children are victims of child labour. We see them in fields and farms, factories, mines, domestic labour, sex work, begging, etc.
All have human factors as causes.
Poverty induces parents to engage children in farm work, cattle grazing, fuel gathering etc.
Some children are used as sex workers or as beggars by touts and anti-social forces.
Indian Constitution renders right to education as a fundamental right of every child in article 21, Right to live.

If poverty is one big cause, then our politicians, legislators and governments have the bounden duty to eradicate poverty. They are also responsible to stop or take action against antisocial forces using children illegally.
Social groups and voluntary agencies need to gear up to counter this evil.
Allow the children to grow by letting them enjoy childhood’s benefits.

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