The world stands in need of compassion for children. Inhuman cruelty makes them victims of aggression in many forms. Killing, maiming, sexual violence, kidnapping, recruiting in war zones, violence in schools and public institutions, domestic violence, violence in children’s homes, harassment in public places and parks, etc. are increasing incidents reported widely.
One does not have to go to Gaza to know that hundreds of children are rioting under the rubble due to Israeli bombings. Many more are suffering due to starvation and lack of meditation in war zones.
Those living in war zones are made to face horrors and tragic situations. Every day, children living in war zones across the globe are facing unspeakable horrors. They are killed or maimed or made orphans.
According to the Annual Report of the UN Secretary General, in 2022 alone “8,630 children were killed or maimed, a five percent increase from 2021. 7,622 were recruited or used… 3,985 were abducted,…1,166 were victims of sexual violence (99% against girls), 3,931 were denied humanitarian access, 1,846 incidents in schools and hospitals.” Israel and the State of Palestine, Yemen, Afghanistan, Mali, and Burkina Faso have been the major horror scenes.
The following is a heart-wrenching incident reported: Weam, 16, Gaza: Weam was injured whilst walking past her house. She, her father and her three cousins were targeted by an anti-personnel drone rocket, which exploded into thousands of small metallic cubes. “I just couldn’t accept the fact that I had lost my limb, it was very difficult for me.”
This is one of the many tragic stories.
The world institutions like the UN should use their authority and power to reduce wars and put sanctions against warring nations. Governments and judicial institutions should take appropriate actions to book the culprits who cause violence against children.

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