The Global Day of parents is observed on the 1st of June every year. The day was proclaimed by the U N General Assembly in 2012 with a resolution to honour parents throughout the world.

The Global Day provides an opportunity to appreciate all parents in all parts of the world for their lifelong sacrifice towards shouldering their parental relationship and their commitment to children. Parents and children interact with the family members more than anyone else in any other relationship! Even when the children will eventually grow up into adults and will have their own lives and family nests, the parental bond will remain forever and is timeless.

One of the first things we were taught as kids is to respect others, especially our elders. The Global Day of Parents aims to promote the right of children and families including the right of the children to grow up free from poverty. All children have the right to education. Children have a right to health and well-being. All children have the right to gender equality.

Parental world is made up of so many different roles and responsibilities. But, in my opinion, the most important one is to try to give the children the best start in life and help them to develop and grow through to adulthood with responsibility and maturity.

The Global Day of Parents celebration is also meant to highlight how they nurture their children’s personality. Keeping a ‘Gratitude Journal’ by the children can help the little ones to appreciate the simpler things in life.

In its resolution, the General Assembly also noted that ‘the family has the primary responsibility for the nurturing and protection of children for the full and harmonious development of their personality which should grow up in a family environment, and in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding.’

The U N Resolution recognizes the role of parents in the rearing of children and invites the state members to celebrate the Day in full patronship with civil society, particularly involving young people and children. Parents are after all the first teachers and human interactors a child is exposed to in human society.
Finally, the depth of love of parents for their children cannot be measured. It is like no other relationship.

Editor’s note: In this modern world of digital revolution, social media and growing drug menace, parents have to shoulder a great responsibility of grooming their children the right way and from straying the wayward way.
Also, the growing attitude of independence and privatized individual world, as claimed by many growing children, can promote the danger of the aged parents being neglected and uncared for.

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