Over 800 million people are said to suffer globally from hunger every day.
Hunger is not a choice. It is a human made catastrophe due to the mismanagement of the world’s resources.

Our world has enough and more resources. But they are controlled by a few rich and politically powerful groups. Our destiny is in their hands. They control our needs and wants.
In such a top heavy structured world of policy makers and decision controllers, poverty, hunger and malnutrition are essential byproducts.

Governments are controlled by such powerful lobbies. Politicians, who play fiddle to these lobbies, will speak only of poverty alleviation programs, not poverty eradication programs.

World institutions like the IMF and World Banks are but tools in the hands of the rich and powerful lobbies and under the control of rich nations whose agenda needs to rule the day.
So, you have welfare programmes or alleviation programmes like soap opera to lull those under hunger or exploitation.

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