Theme of Biodiversity Day 2024: “Be part of the Plan”

Be part of the plan to promote and save biodiversity.

Biodiversity refers to the total variety of life on earth. The variety of species enriches our world. It encompasses rich variety in each species and the myriad variety of ecosystems such species help to create.

It is a beautiful thing that earth’s different species cooperate and collaborate to maintain a beneficial eco system. Many species help us humans to live well as long as we do not harm the ecosystem. However, our human greed and the tendency to overuse earth’s resources have a debilitating effect on biodiversity.

Deforestation and burning of forests remove green cover, destroy varieties of food producing plants and medicinal herbs, kill forest-dependent beings like animals, birds, insects, creeping beings etc. Over exploitation of ocean resources affects ecosystem negatively.

We humans have a great responsibility to promote a good ecosystem so that  biodiversity may flourish. Pollution, over-exploitation of earth’s resources, our greed for over-consumption and luxurious living are the culprits which can harm biodiversity.

Let us be part of the Big Plan to help biodiversity enjoy its own destiny as planned by the Creator.

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