The intention for the day is to raise awareness in human beings about the need to accept people with different sex make up as human beings with equal rights.
Why are we afraid of or detest such people?

Some questions the LGBT People raise:

  1. Is it our fault if we are born that way?
  2. Are we not born of human parents?
  3. Are we not part of human society?
  4. What is queer about us?
  5. You have your biological urges and needs. So too we have. What is wrong? Ask the one who created you and us?
  6. As human beings, we have human and fundamental rights.
  7. Is it not an aberration in society that our parents disown us and society shows distaste against us?
  8. If we have the capacity to do any work or hold any profession like you, why discriminate against us?
  9. Are we less human than you all?
  10. Be human. Live and let live!

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