Theme : “Artificial intelligence and wisdom of the heart: for a fully human communication.”

Proclamation of any good news is always good communication. It springs from intelligence operated by the heart and discernment.

Today the world is faced with a mechanised, digitalised form of communication powered by artificial intelligence(AI).
Pope Francis instructs the world to take a cautious step forward in this area. In his message for the 58th World Communication Day, he states: “The evolution of artificial intelligence systems makes it ever more natural to communicate through and with machines, so that it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish computation from thought, and the language produced by a machine from that generated by human beings..
It is important to guide artificial intelligence and algorithms, so that there is in each individual a responsible awareness of the use and development of these different forms of communication that go hand in hand with social media and the Internet. It is necessary for communication to be oriented towards a fuller life of the human person.”

The challenge is, should we humans be controlled, guided and instructed by the artificial mechanised world to conduct our affairs? If we go wholesale for Artificial Intelligence, mechanised brain will dictate war and peace on its terms. More of war and less of peace, perhaps.
Let not caution be thrown to the winds. Otherwise, the world of artificial intelligence can turn us humans into a ‘use and throw’ commodity.

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