World Autism Awareness Day is intended to increase our awareness about those affected with autism, especially chidren.

Parents, teachers, care givers, social workers, medical personnel and educational institutions have a great role and responsibility in understanding, accepting and caring for those affected with autism.

Autism or autism spectrum disorder/condition.
 It is considered a neuro-developmental disorder showing ‘marked deficits in reciprocal social communication.’ Also shows patterns of ‘restricted and repetitive behaviour.’ Difficulties in social interaction or in verbal communication, and stereotype body movements also can be symptoms.

However, individuals on the autism spectrum have feelings, show emotion, and do have a sense of humor.

There is no one known cause of autism, although most clinicians and scientists agree that genetics play a part.

Treatments and therapies may help improve symptoms or challenges of autism. However not every treatment works for every person. 

Autism – Myths

Autism is a result of bad parenting.Individuals with autism have no sense of humor.
Autistic people have no empathy or lack feelings.Individuals with autism do not want to communicate.Individuals on the autism spectrum who are non-verbal are intellectually disabled.

Autism Facts

Autism is a brain-based pervasive developmental disability.

It has been estimated that the prevalence rate in the adult or general population is about 2%-3%.

Autism occurs among all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups.

Autism occurs almost 4 times more commonly among 
boys than among girls.

But anecdotal evidence among autistic adults, particularly women, indicate that girls are less likely to be identified or diagnosed with autism in their youth and that the prevalence rate for autism occurring is actually higher.

While there is no medical detection or known cure for autism, many children have shown significant improvement resulting from early diagnosis and use of effective interventions.

The most common symptoms of an autistic person are said to be the following:

Difficulty in communicating. 

Little or no social skills. 

Shows no interest in playing with other children.

Avoids eye contact when spoken to.

Likes to stick to routines and get upset when disrupted.

Makes repetitive movements.

Prefers to be alone.

Has difficulty showing emotions.

Sensitive to sensory stimulations.

(Sources: NIMH, Wikipedia,, healthline. com)

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