Zero Discrimination Day

The world stands in need of zero discrimination.

When a superior nation exercises its muzzle power and racial arrogance against another nation or people, it is time to sit up and question such heights of intolerance!

When thousands of innocent civilians are killed, millions thrown out of their homes by way of ethnic cleansing, it is more than discrimination. It is time to book the criminals!

When a majority community grabs political power and engages in gross discrimination by denial of even basic human and fundamental rights to weaker sections, it is time to say no!

When human beings are discriminated against and ill -treated after relegating them to despicable caste oblivion, it is time to revolt.

When power-hungry politicians use religious fundamentalism and visceral hatred against other communities, it is time to call a spade a spade and tell them to clear out of your way!

The world stands greatly in need of human solidarity. Discrimination in terms of caste, creed, colour or community should be shown the door. Pull up your socks, stand up, speak up, and Act!

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