India celebrates National Science Day on 28 February in remembrance of its well known scientist C V Raman’s ingenious discovery called the Raman Effect.

The Raman Effect is the phenomenon when light traverses a transparent material, some of the light that is deflected changes in wavelength. 

The objective for our celebration is to highlight the use and development of science in every day life for human welfare and national development. It helps us to sharpen our scientific temper and makes us aware of using scientific knowledge for useful and peaceful purposes.
Technologies are needed for development. They are tools for welfare and progress.

Educational institutions can create awareness among their students to sharpen their awaress of good uses of science. Students can be helped to invent simple scientific gadgets for improving the quality of life.

Scientific tools help improve agriculture, education, space exploration, business, transportation, daily activities, and our quality of life.

However, there are many instances when scientific tools are used by antisocial or criminal elements for destruction, for cheating, or for harming people. Such activities need to be condemned.

In the present day world, with the proliferation of ever new technologies and gadgets, many become victims of fraud,  for example through net calls, net offers, net purchases, or through apps. You get a call from anonymous sources. If you respond, your phone is invaded and even your bank account may be drained out. We get reports of such daily occurrences as cyber crimes. Hackers are a dime a dozen. Spyware technologies are used even by some governments to invade citizens’ private life.

Governments and law enforcing agencies should be vigilant to get hold of such antisocial criminals. Citizens need  to be made aware of the ways to keep out of fraudsters.

Let science be used for eliminating superstition,  for peaceful development, for human welfare, for protecting the environment, for preserving ecological balance!

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