On this World NGO Day, we appreciate the great contributions of Non-Governmental organisations (NGOs) for their soothing touch to humanity. In many ways they are ministering angels. Many of them venture into enter areas ‘where angels fear to tread.’

When people are in dire need due to poverty, governmental neglect, or in conflict areas or war zones, in times of famine, drought or natural calamity, they are there to stretch out a hand of human solidarity and friendship. They are there to contribute their share to tackle social, economic, enviromental, ecological and humanitarian challenges. They can be volunteers in disaster management, or can render free legal aid to victims of injustice.

Some engage in motivational or awareness builiding operations or function in areas of dialogue and advocay. As independent and nongovernmental, they can be a vital force when it comes to defending people and communities against corruption, injustice, exploitation, state terror or fundamentalism.

They make the world run a bit smoother by running hospitals, clinics, schools, orphanages, old age homes, charitable institutions , legal aid centres, training centres, cultural promotion, prison ministry, family apostolate, and what have you.

Dictatorial or authoritarian governments may find them a threat to their power and security. That is why we hear of NGO personnel being attacked, killed or made to rot in prisons. Many face threat to their lives. Some governments block their fund receiving sources. Yet, they function in war zones, in difficult terrains , in conflict areas by risking their own security.

We need to appreciate their acts of solidarity with the downtrodden, the victimized, the deprived, the migrants, with those denied of freedom, justice and equality.May their tribe increase!

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