In Pope Francis’ message to a catholic conference in Spain, he stressed the role of the Church’s commitment to education that should be accessible to all.

He stressed that education should instil hope in people for “possibilities to change and contribute to the renewal of society.”

The Pope pointed out that
“I cannot help but remember the many children and young people who do not have access to education in different parts of the world, who suffer oppression, and even war and violence.”

And never forget,” he added, “that the creation of relationships of justice among peoples, the capacity for solidarity towards the needy, and the care of the common home will pass through the hearts, minds, and hands of those who are being educated today.” (Vatican News)

According to the findings of, illiteracy rate in the world is as follows:
Sub-Saharan Africa-32.8%
South Asia-25.81%
Middle East and N.Africa-19.64%
East Asia & the Pacific-3.96%
Europe and Central Asia-1.56%
North America-1.36
Poverty and illiteracy appear to be correlated.

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