The World Day of Social Justice is intended to recognise the ever growing need to promote social justice. Our efforts have to do with tackling issues such as poverty, discrimination, inequality, unemployment, human and fundamental rights, and matters related to social security umbrella.

We don’t seem to question why our politicians don’t talk about poverty eradication. They propose poverty alleviation programs which are meant to put a sanitized bandage on people’s mouths. Some such tactics are devised so that the poor should not understand their victimhood, but be content with being beneficiaries of an unjust system. They are to understand that the policy makers and implementors are their salvific benefactors.

The root cause of poverty does not get tackled. It is covered up by going for soft window-dressing options.
The poor are fed with subsidized rice. Factors like accumulation of wealth in the hands of a few and the ever widening gulf between the rich and the poor are not to be questioned. No dissent is possible. Even the legislators and people’s elected representatives are punished for asking questions in the Parliament.
If social justice has to deal with tackling unemployment and poverty, or promoting human and fundamental rights, then the Government is primarily responsible if such issues are not given priority.
Social justice has to do with communal harmony too. Divisions on communal lines, antireligious legislations, persecution of minorities, denial of one’ s right to practice the belief and religion of one’s choice etc. are blatant violations of social justice principles.

Social justice is not just limited to intra-national problems only. It has to do also with international issues too where justice is denied. Cross border terrorism, declaring war on another nation, pushing out people as migrants, and undertaking mass murder of innocent civilians unde false argument of ‘self defence’, etc. are blatant injustice and criminal offences.
The UN has much on its hands. But, one wonders, if its hands are not tied by the five big bosses with their veto power. The earlier this veto system is thrown out, the better.

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