As we welcome you 2024 as our friend to walk with us along the journey of our life for next 365 days, we wish that you bring us pleasant moments and happy events.

We ardently wish that the sense of human fellowship will cement broken relations, break the barriers of intrigue and insecurity.

We hope that warring groups and nations will come to their senses and let people live in peace and harmony.

We need honest leaders with integrity to lead and guide us, to function without greed for wealth and power. Promise us a corruption-free government and a government that honours its promises.

We sincerely wish technology will be used for human progess rather than for promoting spyware, arms sale, wars and destruction.

Rat race

We hope nationalist ideology and communal fundamentalism, practiced and propagated by some nations and groups, will be negated and vetoed by people and societies.

We hope our private space will not be invaded by religious chauvinists and sales representatives of rites and rituals who bracket out the Divine.

Let your presence in our life be a solemn period of peace and harmony, our growth in respect for nature, reverence for human beings and honour to the Divine.

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