The District of Sonthal (Santal) Parganas was created on account of the Santal Rebellion against British colonial maladministration and the exploitaion of moneylendets and landlords.

The Sonthal Parganas Act, 1855 (Short Summary)

ACT NO. 37 OF 1855 [ 22nd December, 1855.]

The Act is intended to remove from the operation of the general Laws and Regulations certain districts inhabited by Sonthals and others, and to place the same under the superintendence of an officer to be specially appointed for that purpose.

The districts were: the district called the Damin- i- Koh, and other districts which are inhabited principally by Sonthal tribe.

1. The Districts are removed from the operation of the general Regulations of the Bengal Code and of the laws passed by the Governor- General of India in Council.

2. Administration of justice and collection of revenue.– The administration of civil and criminal justice and the collection of the revenue, not being permanently- settled land- revenue within the said district vested in the officer or officers to be so appointed:

  1. In the administration of civil and criminal justice, the officer or officers appointed may hold his or their Courts either within the said district or at any place or places that may be appointed for that purpose by the State Government; and any person liable to be imprisoned in any civil or criminal jail may be imprisoned in any civil or criminal jail, as the case may be, which the State Government may order, whether the same be in or out of the said district.
Santal Rebellion of 1855

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