2023 Theme: the power of collective action. if everyone did.

“On this important day, let’s re-commit to ensuring that all people can lend their energies to shaping a better future for all people and the planet we share. Let’s stand with volunteers, everywhere.
(António Guterres, UN Secretary General)

A truck got into an accident. The driver got almost crushed and remained jammed behind the steering. From the nearby village people gathered. Their first instinct was to pull out the driver and save his life. This is genuine voluntarism. They did not wait for fire force or rescue mission to arrive.

Down through the centuries, individuals, groups, and institutions have done praiseworthy work as volunteers to reach out, to render a helping hand,  or to offer ideas and proposals for bettering community services or nation buliding.

Charitable hospitals, service to refugees, free legal aid by advocates, free tuition to village or slum kids, rescue activities, social work, using social media to offer useful and socially beneficial information and many such activites bring out the best in human beings as unpaid service.   It is service without a string.

Genuine volunteers don’t wait for the camera to click as they are performing service.
Let the tribe of volunteers stay blessed!

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