The UN General Assembly Resolution 181 in 1947 sought to partition Palestine into separate Arab and Jewish states. It emphasized the ongoing struggle for the rights, dignity, and self-determination of Palestinian people.

Nov 29, International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is designated by the U. N. as a platform to express global solidarity towards a just and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Unfortunately, the U.N. Resolution and efforts to arrive at a solution for lasting peace remained a non-starter, thanks to Israel’s war with Arab nations in 1948 and its later continued conflicts with Palestinian people. Israel never accepted U.N. resolution as it did not see the need of Palestine as a neighour state.

The way Israel cultivated Hamas to counter Yasser Arafat’s Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) boomeranged on it. Hamas had its agenda of not accepting Israel as a nation. That is where Israel came to call Hamas a terrorist group.

The clash between Hamas and Israel has been turning into bloody battles, Hamas with its rockets and Israel with its latest military technolgy, bombs and mighty U.S. backing, resembling a fight between David and Goliath. Israel’s building occupation settlements in Palestine worsened the situation.

The Oct. 7th attack on Israeli civilians by Hamas was horrible and deserved condemnation. But Israel’s mind-chilling retaliation has gone beyond 50 days with killing 15,000 Palestinians, 6,000 of them being children. The humanitarian crisis has been termed by some observers as Israel’s ethnic cleansing.

The call for solidarity with the Palestinian people for their statehood should make every honest person condemn not only Hamas, but, all the more, Israel’s barbarous killing of Palestinians civilians.

Israeli Prime Minister , with the extreme right wing support, has vowed to obliterate Palestine. The massacre of so many people in Palestine and the destruction of hospitals, schools, churches and mosques and bombing of refugee camps are non issues for Netanyahu. He can quote even Bible by saying: ‘There is a time for war.’

His priority is a one State solution by quarantining Palestinians into a marginalised and defenceless position under Israel’s military occupation. He wants to arrive at it with blood- letting and ethnic cleansing, bordering on a holocaust.

U.S.A and most European nations and the European Union are fishing in troubled waters. They are not for a lasting solution. They want to keep the pot boiling. Baden supports Israel tooth and nail and shows his ‘benevolence, by throwing crumbs at the Palestinians as ‘humanitarian aid’.

The latest move by BRICS nations to impose sanctions on Israel is a much needed welcome step. The European Union should  follow the BRICS nations in imposing sanctions to rein in Israel with its horrendous act of violence in Palestine.

Bible-quoting Netanyahu may well be reminded of the Biblical words in the Book of Daniel: ‘mene, tekel parsin’, meant as the ‘writing on the wall’,  pointing to some catastrophic happening.

The Lord of the Universe will make everyone accountable.

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