National Cancer Awareness Day in India is observed on 7 November. The aim is to to spread awareness about this dreadful malady which can affect people of any age.

The need for early detection is important. People need to know that cancer adversely affects lifestyle.

colon cancer

Cancer is a global menace. As per the World Cancer Report of the International Agency for Research on Cancer(IARC), released by the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is on the rise globally as a deadly disease. “One in 10 Indians would develop cancer in their lifetime and one in 15 will die of it.” (IARC).

According to  a study by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), one in nine Indians will develop cancer during their lifetime. One in 68 men will develop lung cancer and one in 29 women will develop breast cancer.

The estimated number of incident cases of cancer in India for the year 2022 was found to be 14,61,427 (crude rate:100.4 per 100,000).

“Among the childhood (0-14 yr) cancers, lymphoid leukaemia (boys: 29.2% and girls: 24.2%) was the leading site. The incidence of cancer cases is estimated to increase by 12.8 per cent in 2025 as compared to 2020.”(ICMR).

mouth cancer

We are cautioned that consumption of alcohol, processed meats, red meats( Beef, Pork, Lamb), and sugar-sweetened drinks can increase the risk of cancer.

Tobacco products cause oral and esophageal cancer.
Environmental pollution, chemically treated food items, adulterated of food, particularly adulteration of spices and condiments, bakery and sweet products, etc. can be cancer agents.

Food Inspectors have a great role to play in preventing cancer. Particularly in semi urban areas and village markets their presence is rare or nil. Educators, social workers, preachers, NGOs and many others can play a constructive role in making the public aware of food and enviromental adulteration and the role of food inspectors.

lung cancer

“Cancer cannot cripple love, it cannot shatter hope, it cannot conquer the spirit.” (Unknown)

“Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today, let us begin.” (Mother Teresa)

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