Hamas’ attack on Israel on 7 October was unpardonable and deserved condemnation all over the world. The casualties suffered by civilians were terrible.

Israel’s continued ongoing retaliation is equally condemned by sensible people the world over. Israel’s bombing of hospitals, civilian residences and even worshipping places and its continuing bombarding of Gaza in order to ferret out Hamas are having disastrous consequences on civilian population.

The prolonged Arab-Israeli conflicts and wars have been making ordinary citizens pawns and victims of violence perpetrated by Palestinian resistance groups and Israeli government machinery. Both sides share the blame.

It is unfortunate that the big powers in the UN Security Council are not allowing to pass a resolution to effect a ceasefire. The US, Britain and western nations have much to answer. The Middle East is a strategic playing ground for their weapons sale and geopolitical agenda. For them wars and conflicts must continue so that their game plan flourishes.

But, even in those countries, sane voices are expessing dissent against their countries’ policies of selfaggradisement. Demonstrations in front of government buildings and embassies describe the anger of people against the silent or open collaboration of their governments.

The U. N. appears to be helpless in the face of economically powerful nations with their arsenal of weapons and political clout. These nations like to play the saviour figure after stirring the cauldron of violence and terror.

Food, water, electricity, and medical care are being denied to civilians. At the same time, humanitarian assistance is not able to reach the victims in Gaza. Terror is veverywhere. Armed terror, economic terror, political terror and the like.

Peace needs to be restored. It is not a pious wish. Will the heads of nations and controllers of the levers of power heed the call of conscience?

Otherwise, they are contributing to an ever increasing conflagration of violence, terror and destruction.

Following the UN Security Council meeting, at a press briefing, Gilad Erdan, Israel’s representative to the U.N., demanded UN Chief Guterres’ resignation for his comments.

Guterres, while stating he has “condemned unequivocally the horrifying and unprecedented 7 October acts of terror by Hamas in Israel,” said that “it is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.” He was pointing to “56 years of suffocating occupation” suffered by the Palestinian people.

It is sad that politicians want to bury truth and build over it their kingdom of selfisness.

Child victims

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