As a post world war II phenomenon, the United Nations came into existence in1945.

It was a reaction and a response to the deteriorating world scenario where suffering was being heaped upon humanity by wars, autocratic and dictatorial regimes , selfish and contending nations itching for fuelling conflicts and the like.

Two world wars, Mussolini-Hitler terrors, increasing weaponization of nations etc. made many leaders of nations sit up and look for alternatives.

Peace, human digity, equality and security were not to be bartered with violence , terror, antisocial depredations, nationalistic pride etc. Such was the UN vision.

The UN has, to some extent, helped promote peace and extend humanitarian aid. However, the way the Five Big members of the Security Council play their Veto card is questionable. When it touches their self interest, veto becomes their trump card.

It is unfortunate that, in the present festering Israeli – Palestinian conflict, the UN is unable to make the contending parties stop violence on innocent human beings. We are told that “the number of people killed in Gaza has exceeded 5,000 according to latest reports from de facto authorities there, amid intensifying Israeli airstrikes following Hamas violence.”
Many people in Israel too became victims of the conflict as Hamas wreaked vengeance.

The Russian proposal for ceasefire was voted out. Should the self interest of the UN members allow the world to continue being hammered and shattered with the whirlwinds of terror and violence?

“The entire world waited with bated breath for the Security Council to take steps in order to put an end to the bloodletting, but the delegations of the Western countries have basically stomped on those expectations,” Russia’s U.N. ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, told the council after the vote.

Usually, after violence and cruelty have wreaked havoc, the UN waxes with platitudes and sends its Peace Keeping Force.
We need a stronger UN. The membership of the UN Security Council needs expansion. It should not be held to ransom by the present powerful nations. The right of Veto should be dumped. A more democratic way of UN functioning should be in place.

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