Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss opposes Israel

Judaism is designed by God. Nationalism or Zionism is not designed by God. God dispersed the Jews because of their sins. And they are to remain scattered and be faithful to  the country wherever they are. So, Israel as a nation is not under God’s design.
We cry for the Palestinians. It is cruel that we harm them. We have been living with them as brothers and sisters.

The nation builders of Israel are using our religion as a tool to occupy Palestine. We do not want a Jewish state.

Hundreds of thousands of us as Orthodox Jews living in Israel do not support Israel’s nationlist idea.

Zionism is not our religion. Ours is Judaic religion. In the present Israel, all those who oppose Zionism are thrown into prison.
God forbid our occupation of Israel.
– Views of Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss in interview with www.quranspeaks. com

(Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss is an activist and spokesperson for Neturei Karta, which vocally opposes Zionism and the state of Israel. Irrespective of whether or not the Palestinian people were affected or the land was uninhabited, Neturei Karta say the Jewish people didn’t have a right to self-determination.
(Let Quran Speak)

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