P. A. Chacko

26 September annually is marked as World Environmental Health Day across the globe.

Promote Enviromental Health

The aim is to raise awareness regarding the significance of the health of our environment.

For 2023, the theme  is “Global Environmental Public Health: Standing up to protect everyone’s Health each and every day”.

The present day crucial environmental issues are:
climate change, climate-sensitive health risks, posing health hazards. Also food safety, chemical pollution, air pollution, water pollution, waste management, waste water management, vector control, pestilence, disaster risk reduction, etc.

Generally, it is the economically poor and socially marginalised who increasingly become victims of environmental disasters.

According to World Health Organisation (2016), global environmental issues account for more than 12.6 million deaths each year. About 23 percent of all deaths are linked to “environmental risks” like land and air pollution, water contamination and chemical exposure.

Through national and international declarations and accords, about 155 nations have recognised the rights of people to live in a healthy environment. The pressing need is to act positively.

Ultraviolet rays, wild fires, wanton ways of setting fire to hills and forests, floods, hurricanes, consumerist ways of living and thereby dumping waste heaps etc. are staring us in the face.

We are warned that pandemics will invade our planet unless all of us own up our share in promoting environmental health.

Educators, planners, preachers, NGOs, politicians, legislators, etc. have great role in promoting hazardless and healthy environment.

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