The world witnessed the dastardly act of bombing on two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.  Hiroshima on 6th August and Nagasaki on 9th August. Estimates say about 226,000 people, mostly civilians, were killed. Many more came under the after effects.   

The aerial bombings, marking the first use of atomic weapon, meant the infamous and vulgar demonstration of United States’ naked power and arrogant power-hunger in World War II.  ‘Little Boy’ and ‘Fat man’, the first and second atomic bombs, shook the world, not just Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with negative energies.

A thick column of smoke rises from the Jala Tower as it is destroyed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza city controlled by the Palestinian Hamas movement, on May 15, 2021. – Israeli air strikes pounded the Gaza Strip, killing 10 members of an extended family and demolishing a key media building, while Palestinian militants launched rockets in return amid violence in the West Bank. Israel’s air force targeted the 13-floor Jala Tower housing Qatar-based Al-Jazeera television and the Associated Press news agency. (Photo by MAHMUD HAMS / AFP)

The bombings invited World-wide condemnations except among the super powers which aligned with the United States. Thereafter, seeing the enormous after-effects of the bombings over the people of Japan over decades, all sensible nations hoped that there would be no more such perverted use of weapons in any conflict.

However, power-loving and arrogant nations have not refrained from using nuclear arsenal and chemical weapons as means to destroy other nations or to quell internal conflicts. Vietnam aggression by the US against the Vietnam’s Vietcong army, in the name of uprooting communism, was abominable. As undercover operations of ‘Operation Blue’ and ‘Operation Orange’, American bombers carpet-bombed with chemical shells over all green vegetation, standing crops and forest cover. The purpose was to make the rebellious people of Vietnam run for cover under pressure of poverty and run into US-operated food camps where the US soldiers and NGOs could control the rebellious behaviour of the Vietcong and the people of Vietnam.

Chemical and biological weapons, meant to disarm, maim or kill, have been liberally used in conflicts and aggressions. Nerve gas, tear gas, and pepper spray are said to be modern versions of chemical weapons. Nations and national leaders enslave their conscience to their megalomania and power- hunger to use such dangerous weapons.

Even the so-called ‘weapons for peace’ are similar to undercover operations. Weapons sale skyrockets day by day. Under justifications of peaceful use of nuclear energy, nations indulge in weird practices and experiment on humans with disastrous effect. There were reports that foreign medical firms, wanting to experiment on condoms, donated condoms to Bangladesh under an agreement, apparently as a device for family planning. Condoms were freely distributed. Every tobacco and pan vending shops were freely distributing condoms. In fact, it was said to be an undercover operation to study the effectiveness of condoms on people.

During World War II the Nazi Germany used hydrogen cyanide blood agent to commit genocide against Jews and other targeted groups. The Holocaust stands as supreme example. Reports say that as many as 25 countries worked to developed chemical weapons during the Cold War.

Four year old Ukrainan child, victim of bombing

Conventions, international agreements and UN resolutions are all there. But, when it comes to decision making about researching, developing, stockpiling and using nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, individual nations take the cake. Conventions and agreements are like water on duck’s back.

The problem is that every nation is suspicious of other nations. Fear of attack, wanting to prepare defence against possible attacks, incessant itching to demonstrate aggressive power, vulgar display of weapon power, etc. are seen as diseases inflicting many a nation.

The world stands in need of honest politicians with sense of values and love for humanity.

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