Are they listed and scheduled,
Tagged as senior citizens!?
Estimates say, by 2030, their global population
Will have reached 1.4 billion!
Outnumbering the youth population!
Are senior citizens a threat to the rest?
Threat to families which they have built up
With tears and struggle?
Threat to communities and groups they belonged
And for surviving after decades of service?
Old age homes mushroom aplenty!
Some citizens are left to their fate.
In-laws make them outlaws
Land grabbing sons push them out.
The fast-forwarding generation of today
Is too fast to dump them behind!
As sugarcane waste!
Senior Citizens,
They are human beings!
They are our elders!
They were impatient to feed us and lead us;
Today we are impatient to leave them in the lurch!
Food for thought!