Those who have, have. Those who do not have, are deprived. When food is scarce in a poor man’ plate, the question should be, who is responsible? The system, the government, the farmers, the hoarding business world?
Food sufficiency and food safety have to go together. Pollution- free food is a right. Disease- causing adulterated food is a curse.
If the system is topheavy with the top and middle level consumers having more than sufficiency and the bottom level having to manage with less food or adulterated food, then the system must be questioned. Governments which curry favour with mega business entrepreneurs have to answer many questions. Governments which do not respect the normal rights of farmers are not worth a dime. Governments which allow adulterated food in markets by keeping their eyes closed connive with a corrupt world.

Let all have sufficiency of food. Let no one grab from others. Let consumer’s rights be respected by having unadulterated food products in markets.
Food inspectors have important role to play. We have markets selling meat, fish, sweets in unhygienic manner. Where are the food inspectors? How do they check adulterated food like cereals, condiments, rice, wheat etc.
Good food, clean food, sufficient food for all!

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