John Felix S J

Environment is a precious gift for all of us. It is a natural world which consists of water, air, earth, trees, plants, birds. It is a lovely place for people animals and plants to live. It should be kept clean and fresh.

It was fresh and pure but, as the selfishness gets into the human beings, they begin to destroy the environment. A clear example is Rajmahal hills in Jharkhand, eastern India. How it was 30 years before and how it is now. We are going through a lot of environmental issues.

We have the responsibility to care for the common Home.  Therefore, World environment day is a day especially celebrated to know and solve all the environmental issues. It is also known as the Environment Day, Eco Day or WED. It is a great annual event focusing on the issues of environment and trying to solve them completely. It is being celebrated for years worldwide with lots of creative activities and enthusiasm to bring positive changes in the environment. It aims to protect the natural environment forever on the earth for the healthy possibility of life.

It aims to engage and draw attention of millions of people, including political and health organizations from different countries across the world, to make new plans and implement them accordingly. It is necessary to address the issues like wastage and losses of food, increase of global warming, deforestation, pollution, industrialization, etc. in order to control negative environmental changes. Its celebration focuses on carbon neutrality, forest management, managing greenhouse effect, promoting bio-fuels production, use of hydro-power to produce electricity, encouraging people to use solar water heaters, use of solar system, promoting coral reefs and mangroves restoration and other effectives of environmental preservation.

Let’s care for the Common Home!

Healthy Environment, Happy Future!

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