We celebrate today the presence of our parents in our life. And mourn the absence of those who have crossed over to the next world . We acknowledge their love, their care, their responsibility in our upbringing. We appreciate their parental duties in guiding us along a straight path.

They have their struggle, their pain, economic strain, social tension and agony. Only when they are gone, we realise their great worth. In many cases we dump them in old age homes and drive out and be on our way.
In some families daughters-in- law devalue the presence and worth of having aged people at home. Families break up. Peace is destroyed. Human lives are dishonoured.
We honour parents who provide good family atmosphere for their children. Many abdicate their responsibility and let their children go their wayward way. We see children of such families ending up with drugs, crime and other weird ways of life.
We also see many children growing up as dutiful sons and daughters, with sense and sensibility, as good citizens of society.
May parents thrive in peace and joy, in satisfaction of seeing their children growing up as responsible and useful members of human society. May their tribe increase!

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