The Constitution stands supreme as rule of law laying out freedom and equality, social, economic and political justice, right to practice and profess one’s religion, and, above all, right to life.

Today, as we celebrate the Constitution Day, let us remember that our Constitution is the sacred law of the nation. It is the Bible of the land.

Its provisions propose and promise a prosperous India, a fellowship India, a liberal India with freedom of spirit bubbling in our hearts. It heralds the dream of our freedom fighters galvanized into an India of equality, justice, freedom of conscience and religion, a secular and democratic India not sold out to corporates and comrades.

The Prime Minister of India Mr. Modi had renamed the National Law Day of 26 November as the Constitution Day. The occasion was the laying of the foundation stone of B. R. Ambedkar’s Statue of Equality in Mumbai in 2015.

Let us remember that Ambedkar had played a pivotal role in drafting the Constitution. By his declaration and laying the foundation stone of Ambedkar’s statue, Modi apparently meant to give due honour to Ambedkar and great respect to the Constitution.

Yet, today, the nation wants to know why many devotees of Modi (Modi-bhakts) not only disrespect the Constitution but devalue it by wanting to replace it with a new constitution along Vedic lines. Modi, with all his RSS allegiance and devotion, could not be oblivious to the goings on in his party concerning the hidden anti-Constitution agenda at work.  Modi cannot pretend that he never heard of his onetime RSS co-traveler and RSS ideologue Govindacharya’s  statement that ‘We will re-write the Constitution to reflect Bharatiyata.’ (Interview to the Wire).  By Bharatiyata he means Hindutva.

We, the people of India, in whose name the Constitution came into force, shall not allow predators and anti-socials to tamper with the sacred law of the land. The Constitution stands supreme as rule of law laying out freedom and equality, social, economic and political justice, right to practice and profess one’s religion, and, above all, right to life. We shall uphold the noble values of our Constitution and shall defend them by all means.

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