Himadri Dutta

In the footsteps of Pandit Nehru

Children are divine incarnations in their innocence and purity of heart. The mere sight of a child is a blessed experience that fills us with vibrancy and glow. Their bubbling smiles, chirruping and playfulness can make anyone’s day a delightful one.

In India we observe Children’s Day in the happy memory of the great and immortal Pandit Nehru who was a dear friend of young children of his times. What could be a better occasion to celebrate this day, his birthday? Panditji used to spend considerable amount of time each day out of his busy schedule in the hearty company of kids. He said that those precious moments would fill him with a divine energy and joy. It is indeed very remarkable and inspirational that a man of his stature and engagements used to devote some part of his day for young souls who would rise up as shapers of the nation in coming times. It is generally assumed that the company of elderly and learned men would enrich fellow human beings.

The perspective of Pandit Nehru was a unique one where he looked up at children as equal sources of motivation. Today, each one of us can follow his footsteps in this regard and experience that blessed feeling inside us.

Every child has a golden heart. The child is an emblem of goodness which can in kindle up the same spirit amidst us. We have been born as humans and it must be our essence to spread humanity and warmth around us. The child can be the biggest guiding force in this. A child never hesitates or thinks twice before sharing anything however precious it is for him/her. We too must open our hearts to all and make the world a happier one.

(Himadri Dutta teaches at St. Xavier’s College, Maharo, Dumka, Jharkhand, India)

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