Theme for 2022: Basic Science for Sustainable Development.

Instead of war tanks, war machines, submarines, nuclear explosions, non-profitable and highly expensive development of weapons and machinery, ground level realities need to be addressed by using science for sustainable development.

Science is an exercise that gives us intelligent beings knowledge or understanding through a systematic methodology based on evidence. It is a tool in the hands of human beings to use it for progress and development. That is to say, in the hands of peace and progress-loving people, it is a beneficial tool. But, in the hands of anti-social and anti-human individuals or groups, it is a destructive tool. Some despots claim that they can destroy the whole world at the press of a button developed by science.

We see the destructive use of tools developed by science in Ukraine where Putin, the Russian ruler, has invaded neighbouring Ukraine and played havoc on the nation and its citizens. Arsenal, weapons, drones, tanks, planes, warships and what have you, developed by science and technology, have been turned into destructive tools. We have seen it in Syria, Iraq and many other countries where governments and terrorist groups display destructive power by the use of tools developed by scientific knowledge.

At the same time science helps human and cosmic progress when we use it intelligently for progress and development.  Individuals, institutions, governments and others have beneficially used science for the welfare of the world. If people have attempted to explore the moon, mars and beyond, it was facilitated by scientific research.

Robert Burns wrote: Man’s inhumanity to man makes countless mourn.  Let us hope and pray that we humans become more sensible and peace loving and never allow such a situation in which countless people have to mourn and burn.

Following the theme of 2022 celebration, governments, researchers, educators, institutions and others should promote the use of science for sustainable development. Instead of war tanks, war machines, submarines, nuclear explosions, non-profitable and highly expensive development of weapons and machinery, ground level realities need to be addressed by using science for sustainable development.

“The sciences and technologies are made for man and for the world,” says Pope Francis. “Not the man and the world for science and technology. They are at the service of a dignified and healthy life for all, now and in the future, and make our common home more liveable and supportive, more careful and guarded.” (Laudato Si)

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