The World Food Day today reminds us that there is a global food crisis which has affected millions who cannot afford to have a healthy diet or regular access to nutritious food. The 2022 theme is LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND.

The multiple global challenges like the Covid pandemic, climate changes, conflicts and wars, skyrocketing prices and international tensions have drastically affected global food security.

India, world’s second most populous country, is home to a quarter of all undernourished people worldwide. Even as there is a loud claim of economic growth, the gap between the rich and the poor has increased. The so-called ‘Aspirational India’ projected by our tall leaders is facing serious crisis on the food and nourishment front. Climate changes like shortage in rain, shrinking space for rice cultivation and deforestation have added to the problem.

The latest tragic news is that India has slipped behind Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh from 101 position (of 121 Countries) to 107 on global hunger. Rise ‘Aspirational India’ from the muck and slush of top-heavy planning by policy planners who do not heed to  ground level realities.

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