The ‘loin-clothed fakir’ of India, Mahatma Gandhi, was a Himalayan personality. Unlike today’s politicians who indulge in fashion parades, Gandhi dressed simple which humbled even the haughty British monarch. Today, as we celebrate his birthday once again, we remember him for the great example of his simple life and high thinking. He loved India and sought her freedom through peaceful but determined ways.

He practised to the hilt the words he preached: ‘In a gentle way you can shake the world.’ His ways were gentle and simple in leading the nation to freedom but that way was strong, determined and steady. He did shake the world, particularly the British Empire’s monumental rule over Indians. He never bothered being called a ‘naked fakir’ or a ‘loin-clothed fakir.’ He was sure of the target. He went steady towards it.

His famous words, “The future depends on what you do today,” are ever relevant today. India is going through rough times with its citizens  looking for freedom from poverty, unemployment, politically sponsored religious violence on intellectuals, critics and honest journalists, freedom from oppressive strictures that gag a dissenting voice, etc. What we do today, as Gandhiji says, will decide our future. It is up to us to decide whether we want authoritarians and autocrats to plan and shape our lives, our future, and our destiny. Shall we surrender like dumb goats at the sacrificial table or stand up to say “enough is enough”?

Shall we look the other way when India is fragmented by religious fundamentalism, political opportunism, communal flare up which is decided and executed by fanatical politicians, destruction of minorities, and destruction of the Constitution? We need to take inspiration from the Father of the nation.

Rise India! Rise to the noble height of freedom of expression, right to dissent, freedom from exploitation, religious, political, and communitarian, freedom to shape people’s lives and destiny in the most equitable way.

What we do today will shape our destiny. Let us act today so that tomorrow our children will not be salves of dark forces. Let Gandhiji be our ever-inspiring spirit to take India to the heights of freedom, and fellowship, peace and prosperity! Jai Hind!    

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