On every September 16 the World gets an annual wakeup call to protect and preserve the earth through attempts to protect the ozone layer. The Montreal Protocol signed in 1987 highlights the importance of protecting the ozone layer. . In 1994 the UN General Assembly declared Sept. 16 as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone layer. The Ozone layer absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation of the sun and limits the radiation that reaches the earth.

Solar radiation can cause skin cancer, cataracts and several other diseases. As a harmful pollutant it can cause damage to plants and humans alike.

The theme for 2022 is “Global Cooperation Protecting Life on Earth.’ If the ozone layer gets perforated through contamination, then radiation reaches the earth. The contamination can happen by producing gas, heat, burning of forest, destroying forest, reduction of green cover, waste heaps, etc.

Damage to the layer can provoke excessive solar radiation.

Some ways to protect the ozone layer: Reduce vehicle emission; use of non pollutant vehicles; protect  forest and green cover; non use of plastic;  refraining from activities than can heat the earth; reducing production and consumption of chemically compounded substances; using compost pits, not throwing waste in open spaces, water management, not polluting rivers and water sources,  etc. All these and more can have direct or indirect impact on reducing heat on the earth.

Let us preserve and protect the ozone layer so that the earth remains cool and we coolheaded.

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