The International Day against Nuclear Tests was established by the UN General Assembly in 2009. It was meant to spread awareness about the ill effects of nuclear weapons test explosions. It is reported that cancer is one important fall out of nuclear explosions.

Ban Nucelar Tests

The United States Army conducted the first test in a desert in New Mexico on 16 Juy1945. It emboldened the US to drop nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. The fallout was estimated to be about 200,000 casualties. The survivors suffered from cancer of various kinds. Reports say a total of 2000 nuclear tests were conducted between 1945 and 1996. The US and Soviet Union account for  over 200 tests each, China over 20, Britain 20, France 20, and India 4, among others

The tests are done to demonstrate the military might of the country with political motivations. The so-called test for science propaganda is a hollow one. If that is the aim, then how can we justify the spread of large scale cancer cases after such tests? The urgent need is to ban the use of all nuclear weapons. The Test Ban Treaty will not take effect unless at ground level countries say no to nuclear arsenal and act accordingly.

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