Our human life on our planet earth is inter-connected. We are not alone as God’s creatures. We have chirping birds hovering over us. We have animals, protecting us, providing medicine, fuel, fertilizer and food. We have a variety of life around us and crowning us – plants and fungi, micro-organisms and vegetation. We co-exist with terrestrial, marine and aquatic life.

This day reminds us this important fact that biological diversity is important for our planet. Any harming terrestrial, marine or eco-system will not let our world keep vibrant and going. As far as we humans are concerned, we need to be concerned about conserving biological diversity, sustainable use of it and not over-straining this diversity by our over-tapping the resources and harming the eco-system.

Life is precious, not only for us but for every micro-organism too. Let us learn to respect the identity of the diverse elements in this bio-diversity and respectfully co-exist with them. India passed the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 in the Parliament for the preservation of biological diversity. It provides mechanism for equitable sharing of benefits arising out of biological resources.

However, our outlook should not be just for our benefit that we preserve biological diversity. We need to have a wider perspective. Can we look at every living organism, every element in this biosphere with its own identity and right to co-exist with us? Isn’t it a sad fact that worldwide about 25% of all animal and plant species are threatened with extinction? We humans are the predators!

“Biodiversity is our most valuable and least appreciated resource.” Edward O. Wilson

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