This year’s theme for Earth Day celebration is ‘Invest in Our Planet.’ Our Mother Earth is our home planet. It has a life. It provides us with life and energy. It sustains us and nourishes us. It cares for us with a mother’s care and concern.

The more we realize this great factor, the more we shall appreciate our mother earth’s presence in our life. However, there is an ever-increasing concern among many people that we human beings are responsible for causing harm to mother earth. For our selfish needs we destroy earth’s atmosphere, we pollute water sources, we destroy forest cover, we over-use nature’s resources for luxurious needs!

  Even the so-called natural calamities are remotely caused by our wanton ways of living, experiments, chemical and nuclear weapons.

Such activities are not just harming human existence but harming the very existence of mother earth. It is God’s creation. It is part of the planetary system. Every planet has a life pattern and a destiny. It is not for us humans to interfere with the Creator’s design.

Earth Day 2022 challenges us to ‘act boldly, innovate broadly and implement equitably.’

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