Water is elixir of life. No being can live without water. It keeps us going. Pure water is needed to live healthy and disease-free. And, yet, how many of us realize the need for keeping water sources pure? Even the holy Ganga is polluted. Dirt, effluents, dead bodies, cadavers, festival leftovers, disposable religious statues etc. are dumped or pumped into canals, rivers and rivulets. The banks of the rivers are the privileged latrines for quite many. No questions asked. Half burnt bodies also are seen floating. When shall we ever realize the need for protecting water resources and water channels?

We cannot take for granted that mother earth has unlimited deposit of water. By burning forests we cause more heat and less rain. No rain, less supply of water!

The World Water Day theme 2022 is “GROUNDWATER – MAKING THE INVISIBLE VISIBLE.” But the deposit of ground water is depleting. Help conserve and preserve water. Over extraction of ground water has harmful effect. We need to regulate our consumption level.

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