International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8th March every year around the globe. It is the day for praising women who work hard each day to accomplish individual and professional goals.  On this day everyone appreciates women in their lives.  Everyone acknowledges the worth and significance of women  in their lives and their tremendous  contribution towards  society as well.

This day is all about feeling self-worth and achieving the goals as per the potential. Besides, that, women should gather courage to cross all the hurdles in all the spheres of life to make a tremendous improvement.

For many people, the role of women is limited to household chores only. However, this needs to change as women deserve equal freedom and opportunities in everything like men. There is a gradual awareness growing around the world towards gender equality. It is moving towards a balance between both men and women. A change is required and is also essential.

It is observed that men have had more advantages in every sphere of life in comparison to women since ages. However, this needs a change as we all are humans and should be treated equally  with equal rights and opportunities. 

There are a few aspects in Indian society where it needs to grow. The first being ‘domestic violence’. As divorce is still a taboo in Indian society many women are suffering from ‘abusive marriages’. Many women have no choice than to suffer silently. The second being economic independence. Many women in India are deprived of the basic education. Thus, either they have to stay at home or do the job that is lesser- paid. Therefore, women always remain dependent on male for their basic needs. The third is women and education. Quality education is the key to women’s empowerment. Slowly, with the increase in literacy level and awareness, society has started giving importance to education. Many parents today want to educate their daughters equally as their son. Many women today are scientists, lecturers, collectors etc…. The forth is women and decision making. The women empowerment also means when society will accept women as decision-makers for the economic and financial decisions of the family. Women from all sections need to be encouraged to make their own decisions.

 We live in the male dominated society where women are looked down upon in every way even today. We have all the more greater responsibility and vital role to play to bring about some positive changes. A wholehearted support, be it however trivial, will boost their self confidence and will have a transforming impact on the women’s way of life. They can only come out of the pathetic situations the humans have created. Let us fight it together to eradicate all sorts of discriminations done to women.

                                                                                      Jacob Hembrom

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